David Aleksandersen

David Aleksandersen has extensive experience from the audiovisual industry and is an active blogger. He has been responsible for developing and executing marketing, sales and initiatives in knowledge transfer and partner training for more than 20 years. David has held positions such as Marketing Manager of Dataton, Product Marketing Manager at Barco/projectiondesign and is currently Chief Revenue Officer at Spring Agency. He is also blogging about sales, marketing and music, health and welfaretechnology (Norwegian) and safety (Norwegian).
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Recent posts

NDI expands ecosystem on its path to transform the video industry

By David Aleksandersen 17. April 2023

NDI has unveiled a series of initiatives aimed at expanding its ecosystem, transforming the video industry, and promoting seamless interoperability between hardware, software, and cloud. With over 600,000 devices from companies like Panasonic, Sony, and BirdDog currently NDI-enabled, NDI is revolutionizing the way video is captured, shared, and accessed across various industries. 

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Temaer: future, mediaserver

How can remote content improve collaboration between producers and content creators?

By David Aleksandersen 25. January 2023

Putting together a media server show is often a collaboration between producers, content creators and show programmers. In an ideal world, everybody knows exactly what the others are doing and delivers the right content at the right time in the process. How can remote content improve collaboration and build a better show creation process? That's the question addressed in this article. 

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Temaer: future, displays, content, mediaserver, remote content, staytuned

What is remote content and how does it relate to media servers?

By David Aleksandersen 23. December 2022

In this article we focus on three familiar concepts in the AV industry – remote content, content management solutions, media servers – and home in on their potential as a combined force. What kind of impact can remote content and management have on media servers, for both content and show creators? What are the challenges and, most importantly, what are the benefits?

But first, let's define the concepts…

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Temaer: future, displays, content, mediaserver, remote content

What's trending in display technology?

By David Aleksandersen 28. October 2022

Display technology has evolved from the early days where the only display you encountered was a TV, the monitor on your desktop computer or at the cinema, to something that is an integrated part of our daily lives. Displays literally surround us, but few of us reflect on their prevalence. Your car, fridge and coffee machine are most likely equipped with a display in addition to the classics: TV, mobile, laptop and projectors. 

In this article we will look at trends for display technology in a number of industries: media and entertainment, automotive, surveillance and security, scientific research and visualization and mobile devices. Plus a skewed look into the digital cinema realm.

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Temaer: network video, future, displays, VR, professional, AR, XR

Guide to becoming a media server pro – Part 10: Capture and input

By David Aleksandersen 16. October 2020

Have you thought about becoming a professional media server operator or user? Unsure of what technical skills you need to become one? In the 10 th blog in this series, we focus on ways to capture content from external sources and some of the challenges with these systems.
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Temaer: network video, network device interface, mediaserver, professional, capture

Guide to becoming a media server professional – Part 9: The network standards

By David Aleksandersen 23. July 2020

Have you considered becoming a professional media server operator or user? Unsure of what technical skills you need to become one? In the ninth blog in the series, we look at networked video and audio standards – a topic that seems hotter than ever these days.

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Temaer: network video, audio, network device interface, mediaserver, professional

Guide to becoming a media server professional – Part 8: The network

By David Aleksandersen 25. June 2020

Have you considered becoming a professional media server operator or user? Unsure of what technical skills you need to become one? In blog number eight in the series, we continue with the infrastructure and system setup, moving on to network standards and connectivity. So fetch a coffee and let’s go!

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Temaer: cables, displays, video pro, mediaserver, professional, adapters

Multiexperience – the next tech trend in the AV industry?

By David Aleksandersen 4. May 2020

While virtual reality as a term has been around for quite some time, multiexperience, augmented reality and mixed reality are relatively new terms. But what do these technologies and terms encompass? And how will people-centric multiexperience impact the audio-visual business?


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Temaer: future, entertainment technology, networking, VR, AR, multiexperience

Guide to becoming a media server professional – Part 7: The infrastructure

By David Aleksandersen 28. March 2020

Interested in becoming a professional media server operator or user, but aren't sure which skills you need? In the seventh blog in this series, we focus on infrastructure and system setup, including connectivity and capturing content from external sources.

These posts are based on recommendations from the fine people of the Media Server Professionals (Facebook) group.

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Temaer: cables, displays, video pro, mediaserver, professional, adapters

The State Of The AV Industry 2020

By David Aleksandersen 7. March 2020

According to AVIXA™, the global professional AV Industry will reach a staggering USD 325 billion in 2024. And 2020 started off quite well…  before we learned a new word: Covid-19, coronavirus.

Let’s start with a quick look at the reasoning behind the AVIXA numbers, published before coronavirus made the headlines. AVIXA’s “2019 AV Industry Outlook and Trends Analysis” states that the demand for pro-AV products and services is driven by a global rise in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), because the pro-AV industry provides solutions to almost all facets of the economy. The forecast shows that Asia-Pacific is overtaking the Americas as the largest revenue-producing region, while all markets globally will show growth. 

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Temaer: future, avixa, networking, professional

About News & Views

This blog is created by Dataton, and is about multi-display software and surrounding technologies, media servers, content creation - basically anything within the AV industry that serves to enrich the audience experience! Since the 90s, Dataton has published News & Views, with content reflecting the world of multimedia communication. Views, info, and opinions expressed in News & Views are solely those of the individual authors!

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