Putting together a media server show is often a collaboration between producers, content creators and show programmers. In an ideal world, everybody knows exactly what the others are doing and delivers the right content at the right time in the process. How can remote content improve collaboration and build a better show creation process? That's the question addressed in this article.
How can remote content improve collaboration between producers and content creators?
By David Aleksandersen 25. January 2023
Temaer: future, displays, content, mediaserver, remote content, staytuned
What is remote content and how does it relate to media servers?
By David Aleksandersen 23. December 2022
In this article we focus on three familiar concepts in the AV industry – remote content, content management solutions, media servers – and home in on their potential as a combined force. What kind of impact can remote content and management have on media servers, for both content and show creators? What are the challenges and, most importantly, what are the benefits?
But first, let's define the concepts…
Temaer: future, displays, content, mediaserver, remote content
Why AV designs should be for the user experience – and how to do it
By Craig MacCormack, Commercial Integrator 15. February 2019
We’ve heard a lot about AV integrators and experience in the past few years, even more so since industry association InfoComm International rebranded itself as the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association (AVIXA). The truth is most integrators have been doing user experience-based AV designs for years.
Read on…
Temaer: design thinking, audience engagement, avixa, visitor experience, entertainment technology, content
Top 10 News&Views blogs 2018
By Jacquie McHale 4. January 2019
We're looking ahead to a great 2019 with a round-up of ten of our most popular blog posts from 2018. From 4K, SDI explained, to mapping, content management and time-management, we hope you'll enjoy catching up on posts you may have missed.
Interested in writing for our blog in 2019? If you'd like to share a story, ideas or your experience from the AV industry, we'd love to hear from you! Email News&Views
Temaer: SDI, entertainment technology, video pro, mapping, content, tradeshows, creative, blacktrax, projection design, 4K, time management, account management
Content management for media servers: What, why and how?
By Johannes-Christian "Jochri" Michel 5. July 2018
People often ask me what I’m doing when they see me sitting on the left or right of one (or up to three) WATCHOUT operators. “Me? I’m the content manager. Just give me your data and I’ll deal with it,” I usually reply. Judging by the number of blank looks I receive, the concept of content management is not as clear-cut as you might think. Here’s a brief look at what we do, why, and how content management could make your next production even smoother!
Temaer: corporate event, wow-factor, video, format, entertainment technology, video pro, content, management