With the demand for higher bandwidth (4K, 8K …) in applications such as broadcast, live events and fixed installations, the SDI standard has continued to evolve. There are now a wide range of products supporting 12G SDI in the market. But what is SDI, 12G SDI and why should I care?
What is 12G SDI and what are the benefits?
By David Aleksandersen 8. June 2019
Top 10 News&Views blogs 2018
By Jacquie McHale 4. January 2019
We're looking ahead to a great 2019 with a round-up of ten of our most popular blog posts from 2018. From 4K, SDI explained, to mapping, content management and time-management, we hope you'll enjoy catching up on posts you may have missed.
Interested in writing for our blog in 2019? If you'd like to share a story, ideas or your experience from the AV industry, we'd love to hear from you! Email News&Views
Temaer: SDI, entertainment technology, video pro, mapping, content, tradeshows, creative, blacktrax, projection design, 4K, time management, account management
What is SDI?
By David Aleksandersen 3. May 2018
Serial Digital Interface (SDI) is a professional digital video interface standard that has been used since the early 90s. From its relatively humble beginnings to 8K support, here's what you need to know about SDI and its benefits compared to other interface standards!
Temaer: video quality, SDI, 8K, BNC, optical fiber