"As a stage manager, your main job is to achieve the impossible." Author and experienced stage manager, Liam Klenk shares insights on how to maintain calmness and balance in a challenging environment.
Keep your cool backstage as a stage manager: 12 insights
By Liam Klenk 20. August 2020
Temaer: collaboration, avpro, professional, stage manager, 12 tips
Social media in AV - peaks, pitfalls and tips!
By Nevil Bounds 28. March 2019
Over the last 10 years, social media has been used extensively in our business – but not always with the success that it may have deserved. In this blog, I take a look at some of the challenges of this astonishing way of communicating, and highlight a few of my personal favourite social media practitioners!
Temaer: collaboration, avixa, meetings, networking, social media
The Power of Pixels: How big screens can yield BIG results
By David Aleksandersen 28. February 2018
All organizations want to improve business performance. How can the modern business organization ensure that their meeting and collaboration rooms nurture sensible thinking and smart, efficient decisions?
Temaer: projection, digital projection, business advantage, displays, collaboration, multi-display, desicion-making, efficiency