NDI has unveiled a series of initiatives aimed at expanding its ecosystem, transforming the video industry, and promoting seamless interoperability between hardware, software, and cloud. With over 600,000 devices from companies like Panasonic, Sony, and BirdDog currently NDI-enabled, NDI is revolutionizing the way video is captured, shared, and accessed across various industries.
NDI expands ecosystem on its path to transform the video industry
By David Aleksandersen 17. April 2023
Temaer: future, mediaserver
How can remote content improve collaboration between producers and content creators?
By David Aleksandersen 25. January 2023
Putting together a media server show is often a collaboration between producers, content creators and show programmers. In an ideal world, everybody knows exactly what the others are doing and delivers the right content at the right time in the process. How can remote content improve collaboration and build a better show creation process? That's the question addressed in this article.
Temaer: future, displays, content, mediaserver, remote content, staytuned
What is remote content and how does it relate to media servers?
By David Aleksandersen 23. December 2022
In this article we focus on three familiar concepts in the AV industry – remote content, content management solutions, media servers – and home in on their potential as a combined force. What kind of impact can remote content and management have on media servers, for both content and show creators? What are the challenges and, most importantly, what are the benefits?
But first, let's define the concepts…
Temaer: future, displays, content, mediaserver, remote content
What's trending in display technology?
By David Aleksandersen 28. October 2022
Display technology has evolved from the early days where the only display you encountered was a TV, the monitor on your desktop computer or at the cinema, to something that is an integrated part of our daily lives. Displays literally surround us, but few of us reflect on their prevalence. Your car, fridge and coffee machine are most likely equipped with a display in addition to the classics: TV, mobile, laptop and projectors.
In this article we will look at trends for display technology in a number of industries: media and entertainment, automotive, surveillance and security, scientific research and visualization and mobile devices. Plus a skewed look into the digital cinema realm.
Temaer: network video, future, displays, VR, professional, AR, XR
How projection mapping makes an impact every time
By Jacquie McHale 18. October 2022
As projection-mapping continues to enchant audiences worldwide, Dataton highlights three applications, each with a different approach and each creating an unforgettable experience in art, performance and celebration.
Temaer: projection, wow-factor, visitor experience, mapping, inspiration
In person, online or at college: Getting the edge with pro-AV training
By Jacquie McHale 21. September 2022
What are the hallmarks of a successful AV team? Expertise, experience, and the will to keep on learning! To make that journey easier, Dataton, creator of award-winning WATCHOUT show composer software and media servers, offers three educational avenues for people in the industry or higher education.
Powering the big LED screens
By Mats Karlsson 24. February 2022
You're all set to make an impact with giant LED screens: you've got the venue, the vision and the content is ready to roll. But have you got the power? Mats Karlsson, CEO at Stage Smarts, looks at key factors to keep in mind when planning power distribution for LED screens.
Temaer: LED, professional, av, power
Esports pioneers the future of hybrid immersive live events
By Adrian Pennington 28. January 2022
Esports were already booming before the pandemic and are now in an even stronger position. Adrian Pennington looks at the workflow that put the sport ahead of the rest from the start and the broader implications for the events industry in general.
Temaer: audience engagement, esports, hybrid-events
It's not graffiti, it's projection art: The LUMA Festival in New York
By Artsy Chow Roamer 10. September 2021
A small group of friends met up at a fine arts gallery in downtown Binghamton, New York to play around with an idea. Knowing almost nothing about projection-mapping they did know that the results were pretty fantastic and they wanted to learn more about it.
Over the course of the next few months an assorted group of engineers, creators and techs began to research, experiment and plan. LUMA Projection Arts Festival was born from the dream and is on its seventh year.
I have never really written a lot about the types of tech art that are coming to the forefront of the art world these days; videos, digital, immersive and projection are all a part of it. I found myself very interested in an email I received about the festival and was fascinated with the colors, patterns and stories behind the creations. Let’s take a deeper look at it in this post.
By Artsy Chow Roamer
All photos and videos courtesy of LUMA Projection Arts Festival
Temaer: projection mapping, projection, av, art, festival
A new era of stage management: Climate Crisis
By Matthew Stern 12. August 2021
The world has changed. A global pandemic, the rise of Black Lives Matter and social justice movements, and the intensifying climate crisis have altered how we live and work. This includes the theatrical industry. These changes, however, have been happening while theaters have been closed. It’s been an opportunity for us to reflect and look critically at our own industry. As live performance returns, it is crucial that theatre makers address how these issues affect our process of theatre making. We are re-opening in a new era, it’s not the world of 2019, this is 2021.
By Matthew Stern at Broadway Stage Management Symposium.
Temaer: theater, professional, stage manager, health&safety, equity, equality