Jacquie McHale

Dataton staff writer

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How projection mapping makes an impact every time

By Jacquie McHale 18. October 2022

As projection-mapping continues to enchant audiences worldwide, Dataton highlights three applications, each with a different approach and each creating an unforgettable experience in art, performance and celebration.

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Temaer: projection, wow-factor, visitor experience, mapping, inspiration

In person, online or at college: Getting the edge with pro-AV training

By Jacquie McHale 21. September 2022

What are the hallmarks of a successful AV team? Expertise, experience, and the will to keep on learning! To make that journey easier, Dataton, creator of award-winning WATCHOUT show composer software and media servers, offers three educational avenues for people in the industry or higher education.

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Temaer: training, academy, education

Map more – five creative projection mapping applications

By Jacquie McHale 4. December 2020

Looking for inspiration? Take peek at these projection mapping applications which transform both the mundane and the magnificent, proving yet again that you can map just about anything!

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Temaer: projection, wow-factor, visitor experience, mapping, inspiration

Interview: Meet Roxanne Wilm, photographer, designer & slide fan

By Jacquie McHale 28. February 2020

Every so often, we get technical questions related to vintage Dataton products, manufactured some 30-40 years ago. When we do, it's usually from enthusiasts who actually owned units "back in the day". So when the support team received a query from an up-and-coming, recently graduated, photographer about PAX slide control units and MIC3 controllers, we were curious, to say the least! 

We decided to find out why Roxanne Wilm, a  26-year old artist from the Netherlands, chooses slide projection as her medium in her project, ORDER I DISORDER. Read on…


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Temaer: slide projector, entertainment technology, retro

Tech check: Projection in domes

By Jacquie McHale 2. August 2019

In this Q&A, we're talking projection in domes with Malin Hallbeck at domeprojection.com. The Magdeburg-based company is chiefly known for their ProjectionTools product which is widely used in training, simulation and entertainment installations worldwide.

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Temaer: multi-channel projection, domes, projection mapping, projection

Ice Projection – It's More Than A Game

By Jacquie McHale 30. May 2019

Awesome ice projections are guaranteed to drive the fans wild at NHL* matches. We talked to Dangers Inc, the Canadian mapping maestros with over 500 ice projection performances under their belt, about their approach, the technology and the challenges of projecting on ice. 

*The National Hockey League is usually described as the premier professional ice hockey league in the world and was formed in 1917. There are 7 teams from Canada and 24 (soon 25) from the US in the league. 

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Temaer: projection mapping, visitor experience, ice projection

What's a World Expo anyway?

By Jacquie McHale 12. April 2019

As participating nations begin releasing their pavilion designs for the 2020 World Expo in Dubai, we ask the age-old question: "What's a World Expo anyway?"

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Temaer: video pro, hospitality, brandbuilding, live entertainment industry, world expo


By Jacquie McHale 21. February 2019

As any craftsman will tell you, it’s not only a matter of knowing what you’re doing, but also having the right tools for the job. We published a (subjective) list of essential tools for video pros a few months back and asked for your additions, too. Here goes…

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Temaer: tools, essentials, video pro

Interview: Stephan Mazurek on projection design in the theater

By Jacquie McHale 9. February 2019

If you're a regular theater-goer in the Chicago area, chances are you've seen Stephan Mazurek's projection designs on the stage. He also regularly works on productions in New York and elsewhere in the US. We talked to this multi-talented storyteller – photographer, projection designer, explorer, and documentary film-maker – about recent theater projects, workflow and highlights. Read on…

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Temaer: visitor experience, entertainment technology, inspiration, projection design

Top 10 News&Views blogs 2018

By Jacquie McHale 4. January 2019

We're looking ahead to a great 2019 with a round-up of ten of our most popular blog posts from 2018. From 4K, SDI explained, to mapping, content management and time-management, we hope you'll enjoy catching up on posts you may have missed.

Interested in writing for our blog in 2019? If you'd like to share a story, ideas or your experience from the AV industry, we'd love to hear from you! Email News&Views

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Temaer: SDI, entertainment technology, video pro, mapping, content, tradeshows, creative, blacktrax, projection design, 4K, time management, account management

About News & Views

This blog is created by Dataton, and is about multi-display software and surrounding technologies, media servers, content creation - basically anything within the AV industry that serves to enrich the audience experience! Since the 90s, Dataton has published News & Views, with content reflecting the world of multimedia communication. Views, info, and opinions expressed in News & Views are solely those of the individual authors!

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