News & Views - a blog from Dataton

Why is projection mapping so popular in events and marketing?

Written by David Aleksandersen | 22. March 2019

Projection mapping is one of the most popular ways to create an event that’s out-of-the-ordinary. From small indoor stage effects to larger-than-life visuals on entire arenas, landmark buildings or other architectural landscapes, projection mapping as a marketing tool is here to stay. 

Read on…

    • Five reasons to use projection mapping in marketing
    • Small, big, bigger: Three examples of mapping in marketing


Projection mapping is a fantastic medium to tell strong, compelling stories. Well-executed projection mapping can create a unified and immersive experience for the audience, one that grabs attention and builds strong brand experiences.

As mentioned above, projection mapping is flexible, used for everything from small, indoor stage effects to large visuals on entire arenas or landmark buildings. The key reasons to use projection mapping as a marketing tool are: 

  • To build brand awareness
  • To engage audiences
  • To leave a lasting impression
  • To reach people on social media
  • ROI

Your brand can benefit from a professionally produced event with projection mapping. The audience will remember it long after the projectors have been turned off and the spectacular visuals are highly shareable (never underestimate the power of the instamoment!).


This flexible medium can be turned to many purposes within marketing. We've listed three below, ranging from a tabletop example, to an entire mapped district, illustrating different ways to utilize mapping in marketing!

On a small scale…

Highlight a feature. If you are at the USITT stage expo this week, you can see projection-mapping on a model of a house over at booth 1343 (Dataton, Show Sage, Epson). This tabletop demo is being used to showcase short-throw lenses and mapping workflow!

…On a bigger scale…

Enhance your event. Over the years, we’ve seen how mapping has transformed cars, aircraft, printers, footwear, mannequins, sculptures and larger-than-life bottles, making them the talking point of the event and a given photo-opp.

At a recent launch of a new range of deodorants in India, no-one could miss the new product as a giant mapped model of the deo was revealed center-stage, flanked by LED screens! Check out the video on creative warehouse Pixadoo’s Facebook page.

…On a giant scale!

Profile a new service. To mark the start of a new nationwide service, mobile network operator Turkcell pulled out all the stops and projection-mapped an entire district. The 16 buildings had a projection surface area of around 3000 square meters. Now, that’s thinking big… Creative and tech teams behind the event: Visio-Vox, FikirbazZenger, Ouchhh, B'Event.

Check out the video here! 

Whether you’re considering using projection mapping as a marketing tool, or are simply curious to learn more, why not download The Marketers' Guide to Projection Mapping… Who knows, projection mapping could be part of your next event!


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What is projection mapping?

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