But have you ever set aside time to prepare for those days – or months – when there aren’t so many projects to throw yourself into, or when your age starts nudging higher figures? Or will you be pushing 60 and, whoops, you forgot to save for a pension, and now it’s too late…?
Don't panic. Here are 10 tips on preparing yourself for a better position in the future.
What’s your hourly rate compared to professionals in different industries? There are operators who earn less than a penny when you calculate all costs and taxes. When you are good at what you do, don’t be shy about asking for a fee which reflects that level of expertise.
Ever thought of doubling your price? You may lose 30% of your business but, at the end of the day, your earnings will be higher and you’ll have more free time.
Now how about raising your hourly rate 4% every year? I know operators whose rate has stayed the same for more than 10 years! Your hourly rate does not need to be a round figure.
Two meetings a year with your financial advisor will keep you focused and ensure you’re still on track. A good, professional, advisor will prompt you to make changes or acquisitions, and keep your eyes on the road.
Find a coach – a person you trust and who is in the same business. A colleague in your industry, or even a related industry, can be of great help to discuss your daily issues. Like: “Why does one client accept travel costs but not the other?” Believe me, you’ll have plenty to talk about.
Who knows, your client may also have input on topics you never thought they would. Taking the time to discuss and evaluate will improve the relationship.
Passive income means that you generate a way of earning money as a continuous stream beside your daily job. Some people write a book, others start teaching, and some rebuild an old house and rent it. Or start a webshop in second hand AV gear.
One of my new initiatives is called Toperators. I started www.toperators.com to help our industry by showcasing operators so they can be found by rental and production companies.
The future will tell if my investments give a return in revenue. An extra beer at the weekends would be great :)
Enjoy life! And produce nice shows.
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